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全球育婴标杆来自欧洲的--妙思乐 Yi 推荐 user avatarYi 推荐
专家的天然保证 -在安全第一的原则下,优选天然来源成分 -成功研制专利活性植物成分 -除去受质疑但未经确认为的不安全成分:如Paraben(苯甲酸脂类防腐剂)、Phenoxyethanol(苯氧乙醇) -所有产品不含色素、酒精、精油 安全保证 -低敏感配方(将敏感反应的风险降至最低) -通过严格的耐受性测试(不刺激皮肤) -从成分供应商到产品销售点,均可追踪其源头 功效保证 -产品在医学监控下,进行实际使用测试,并证实其功效 -产品与健康护理专家(包括皮肤科、儿科、妇科、毒理科和过敏症专科医生)紧密合作下研制 舒适保证 -研发更为舒适的质地 -清淡怡人的香味 环保保证 -产品包装盒的材料来自于可持续发展管理的森林,并采用含有植物油的油墨印刷 -减少使用塑料、纸张、硬纸板作为包装用途(如取消印制说明书,改为印在产品盒的内部)
别样独家:SkinCareRX 7折
现在美国的药妆网站售卖的所有妙思乐产品还有7折哦!加入购物车就能看到折扣啦! 优惠到8月18号上午11点结束。


妙思乐 Mustela | Mustela 宝宝洗发沐浴二合一 - 湿疹皮肤适用
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【美国妈妈怎么说】 “My 3 year old has eczema, in the first few months we quickly ruled out Johnson & Johnson products, our pediatrician recommended Cetaphil products; Cetaphil smelled good and worked fine for his skin, but I still had to use a shampoo on his hair as the Cetaphil left his fine hair brittle and tangled. After all this time I decided to look for something new, and found this Mustela 2-in-1. Skeptical of the shampoo portion, my pediatrician said it is another good brand for sensitive skin, so we tried it out anyway. LOVE IT. It makes his hair SO soft and managable, without looking dirty or oily in any way. It actually does a better job than the shampoo/conditioner I was using that was not for sensitive skin (which is why I wanted something new). I also love the smell of this product. It is light and clean. My new favorite product for my toddler's bath time, I plan to stock up.” 我3岁的孩子有湿疹,在头几个月我们马上就淘汰了强生这个牌子。儿科医生推荐了丝塔芙的产品;丝塔芙闻起来不错,也在他皮肤上起效了,但是我无法把丝塔芙当作香波用,因为用了丝塔芙之后的头发会打结。为了减少麻烦,我决定还是找找可以又当香波又做沐浴露用的东西,最后找到了妙思乐的洗发沐浴二合一产品。当时,我不了解香波的那部分,只是我们的儿科医生说,这是另外一个对敏感皮肤非常好的牌子。所以就试了。然后,我们就爱!上!它!了!它让我儿子的头发变的非常非常软,并且好打理,一点没有很干或者很油的样子。它比那些专业的不是为敏感皮肤设计的香波/护发素效果更好。我也很喜欢妙思乐的味道。很清新。这是我的儿子洗澡时我最爱用的产品,准备多囤点儿!
妙思乐 Mustela | Mustela 新生儿泡沫香波
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【美国妈妈怎么说】 “Just finished using this shampoo on my baby and I love it. It smells heavenly and got rid of his flaky dry skin on head and eyebrows instantly. He's been having a case of very mild cradle cap since birth and now it's gone in one time use only. I used this shampoo in conjunction with a cradle cap brush. My baby's hair feels like silk.” 我的宝宝刚刚用完这瓶香波,我真的很喜欢它。味道非常舒服。宝宝头上和眉毛上屑状的干皮很快就不见了。他从出生起就有一点点乳痂,但是用了一次这个香波就没了。我还跟乳痂刷一起用了。宝宝的头发现在跟丝绸一样滑。
妙思乐 Mustela | Mustela Stelatopia 保湿霜 - 湿疹皮肤适用
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【美国妈妈怎么说】 “My daughter has eczema so bad, it looked like she had third degree burns all over both of her wrists. I call the dermatologist requesting an appointment to reevaluate her to see if it was something else causing this horrible rash on her wrist. The doctor actually called me and told me to try this cream before I came in. I rolled my eyes but did it anyway, because I have literally bought every single cream, lotion, and balm that you can find for eczema. Somethings have worked temporarily, but then it would always flair right back up. Well, this stuff WORKS! AND IT KEEPS WORKING!!! Even though it completely cleared her up by using it only twice a day, I still put it on once or twice a day and it is yet to come back! When I got this product in the mail, I was sure it would not work, it is very watery, it's not thick at all. But this is the best cream I've ever used and I have literally spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying out creams, balms, lotions, body washes, everything on the market and this is the only thing that continues to work.” 我女儿的湿疹很严重,看起来就跟手腕上有三级烧伤一样。我给皮肤科医生打电话预约,想重新看看是不是有别的原因引起了湿疹。他回电话的时候说,让我在去门诊前试试这个霜再说。我有点翻白眼啦,但是不管怎样也试了,因为我实际上把市场上所有湿疹皮肤可以用的霜、乳液,膏都买了。有一些是有效的,但是很短暂。 但!是!秒思乐真的有用!而且一直都有用!!!虽然她的手已经完全好(一天用两次),但现在我还是给她一天用1-2次,湿疹到现在也没有复发! 我当时收到这个产品的时候真的觉得不会有效,它看起来水水的,不是很稠。但这个真的是我用过的最好的霜。之前真的是大几百大几百美金地去买霜、膏、乳液、沐浴露等,所有市场上有的产品都用了,只有这个有用。
妙思乐 Mustela | Mustela 婴儿洗发香波
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妙思乐 Mustela | Mustela 妊娠纹恢复精华
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