

香缇卡Chantecaille眼影|Luminescent Eye Shade

商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421,第1张图片详细描述商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421,第2张图片详细描述商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421,第3张图片详细描述商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421,第4张图片详细描述商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421,第5张图片详细描述
商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421,第7张图片详细描述

A uniquely sheer, gel-powder eye shade.

This pearlescent, light-catching eyeshadow washes the eye with multi-dimensional shimmer. Inspired by six beautiful creatures—cheetah, elephant, giraffe, lion, pangolin and rhinoceros—Luminescent Eye Shade supports six charities that protect Africa’s most endangered wild species. Each shade is a pearly gel-powder formula that washes the eye with beautiful, dimensional shimmer.

90% of the world’s cheetah population has vanished in the last century. Based in Namibia, Cheetah Conservation Fund is helping the planet’s fastest mammal win its race for survival by developing conservancies and teaching farmers how to manage goats and sheep with livestock guarding dogs, so humans and animals can thrive together.Space for Giants protects elephants in their habitat and the communities that surround them by investing in parcels of land, providing frontline security, boosting wildlife crime convictions, and stopping elephants from raiding people’s crops by building “smart fences” across Kenya, Gabon, Uganda and Botswana.Renowned for their work with elephants, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust also protects rhinos from poaching fueled by the demand for their horns. SWT recently helped expand the Meru National Park Rhino Sanctuary in Kenya, creating more space for rhinos and safe passage for other large species.The pangolin is a shy, unique creature and is the most trafficked mammal on the planet, coveted for its keratin scales, which are falsely believed to have medicinal properties. The Tikki Hywood Foundation in Zimbabwe focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation and release of the pangolin and other illegally traded animals across Africa.Kenya-based Lion Guardians transforms Maasai warriors who once killed lions into lion protectors, using their traditional knowledge and new technologies like GPS to monitor lions and protect communities. This empowers local people with both a sense of kinship with lions and the means to participate in their conservation.With 111,000 remaining in all of Africa, giraffe are facing a silent extinction. As the only organization in the world dedicated solely to saving giraffe throughout their range, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation works hands-on with partners in 15 African countries, using methods like community-based “giraffe guards” initiatives, innovative tracking technology, and translocations.

Coverage::buildable; sheer,Finish::shimmer; sheer,Formulation::pressed powder

Apply with the flat side of Shade and Sweep Eye Brush to create a shimmering wash of color on the eyelid. Use the tapered side to blend and highlight the inner corner of the eye and the brow bone.


香缇卡是由法国人赛欧维亚香缇卡( Sylvia Chantecaille)女士创办高档奢侈化妆品牌。Chantecaille制作过程十分矜贵,以精心研制的“五月玫瑰水”为所有产品的基底水,沁人心脾的玫瑰芬芳呼唤内心的幸福感觉。高浓度植物精华十分滋养,特别适合长期干燥引起的晦暗肌肤。粉底结合日本凝胶科技,服帖细腻,获高度赞扬。

Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品
Luminescent Eye Shade 商品

    Chantecaille | Luminescent Eye Shade

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  • 服务
    • 美国商家
    • 海外运输
    • 海关清关
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  • 说明
    • 此商品由 bluemercury 发货并提供售后服务
    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
    • 根据中国海关总署要求,您所购买的商品清关入境需要提供身份证信息进行入境申报,请您配合。我们不会向第三方泄露您的资料,请您放心
  • 描述

    A uniquely sheer, gel-powder eye shade.
    This pearlescent, light-catching eyeshadow washes the eye with multi-dimensional shimmer. Inspired by six beautiful creatures—cheetah, elephant, giraffe, lion, pangolin and rhinoceros—Luminescent Eye Shade supports six charities that protect Africa’s most endangered wild species. Each shade is a pearly gel-powder formula that washes the eye with beautiful, dimensional shimmer.
    90% of the world’s cheetah population has vanished in the last century. Based in Namibia, Cheetah Conservation Fund is helping the planet’s fastest mammal win its race for survival by developing conservancies and teaching farmers how to manage goats and sheep with livestock guarding dogs, so humans and animals can thrive together.Space for Giants protects elephants in their habitat and the communities that surround them by investing in parcels of land, providing frontline security, boosting wildlife crime convictions, and stopping elephants from raiding people’s crops by building “smart fences” across Kenya, Gabon, Uganda and Botswana.Renowned for their work with elephants, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust also protects rhinos from poaching fueled by the demand for their horns. SWT recently helped expand the Meru National Park Rhino Sanctuary in Kenya, creating more space for rhinos and safe passage for other large species.The pangolin is a shy, unique creature and is the most trafficked mammal on the planet, coveted for its keratin scales, which are falsely believed to have medicinal properties. The Tikki Hywood Foundation in Zimbabwe focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation and release of the pangolin and other illegally traded animals across Africa.Kenya-based Lion Guardians transforms Maasai warriors who once killed lions into lion protectors, using their traditional knowledge and new technologies like GPS to monitor lions and protect communities. This empowers local people with both a sense of kinship with lions and the means to participate in their conservation.With 111,000 remaining in all of Africa, giraffe are facing a silent extinction. As the only organization in the world dedicated solely to saving giraffe throughout their range, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation works hands-on with partners in 15 African countries, using methods like community-based “giraffe guards” initiatives, innovative tracking technology, and translocations.
    Coverage::buildable; sheer,Finish::shimmer; sheer,Formulation::pressed powder
    Apply with the flat side of Shade and Sweep Eye Brush to create a shimmering wash of color on the eyelid. Use the tapered side to blend and highlight the inner corner of the eye and the brow bone.

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    商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421 描述
    商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421 描述
    商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421 描述
    商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421 描述
    商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421 描述
    商品Chantecaille|Luminescent Eye Shade,价格¥421 描述




