

商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258,第1张图片详细描述
商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258,第3张图片详细描述商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258,第4张图片详细描述商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258,第5张图片详细描述商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258,第6张图片详细描述
商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258,第8张图片详细描述

While the idea of hundreds of needles rolling over your face sounds scary, the ORA Silver Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm dissolves that fear. 540, 0.25 millimeter needles painlessly glide over your skin creating micro punctures that signal your skin to produce collagen and elastin. Fine lines, wrinkles, large pores and blemishes fade as the collagen boost plumps, smooths and resurfaces your skin. Ideal for uneven tone and texture, this hand-held device takes only minutes to significantly improve the look and feel of your skin. Key Benefits: Helps reduce the appearance of scars from injury or acne, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks and other blemishes. Helps smooth uneven skin texture and color and heavy pitted skin. Helps increase the absorption and penetration of skincare within the skin by as much as 20 times, compared to applying skincare products by hand due to the needles aiding in opening micro-channels in the skin. When used on the scalp, the roller helps stimulate and maintain hair within thinning and balding hair areas. Extremely fine needles gently penetrate the skin just enough to stimulate collagen and elastin production, which helps to result in smoother, firmer, healthier, and younger-looking skin and reduce the signs of aging. Clinical Studies: Clinical studies have shown microneedletherapy to be as effective as cosmetic treatments such as laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, chemical peel, IPL, Fraxel and CO2 laser. Tip: Do not share roller with anyone. If you have irritated skin or a skin condition, consult a doctor or specialist before use. If there is any skin sensitivity, stop using roller and consult a specialist. Store roller in the supplied storage case for maximum hygiene and safety after use. Keep out of reach of children. Learn more on the blog: We Tried Microneedling for 6 Weeks, Here’s What Happened

Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black商品第1缩略图预览
Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black商品第2缩略图预览
Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black商品第3缩略图预览
Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black商品第4缩略图预览

    Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black

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  • 说明
    • 此商品由 Dermstore 发货并提供售后服务
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  • 描述

    While the idea of hundreds of needles rolling over your face sounds scary, the ORA Silver Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm dissolves that fear. 540, 0.25 millimeter needles painlessly glide over your skin creating micro punctures that signal your skin to produce collagen and elastin. Fine lines, wrinkles, large pores and blemishes fade as the collagen boost plumps, smooths and resurfaces your skin. Ideal for uneven tone and texture, this hand-held device takes only minutes to significantly improve the look and feel of your skin. Key Benefits: Helps reduce the appearance of scars from injury or acne, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks and other blemishes. Helps smooth uneven skin texture and color and heavy pitted skin. Helps increase the absorption and penetration of skincare within the skin by as much as 20 times, compared to applying skincare products by hand due to the needles aiding in opening micro-channels in the skin. When used on the scalp, the roller helps stimulate and maintain hair within thinning and balding hair areas. Extremely fine needles gently penetrate the skin just enough to stimulate collagen and elastin production, which helps to result in smoother, firmer, healthier, and younger-looking skin and reduce the signs of aging. Clinical Studies: Clinical studies have shown microneedletherapy to be as effective as cosmetic treatments such as laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, chemical peel, IPL, Fraxel and CO2 laser. Tip: Do not share roller with anyone. If you have irritated skin or a skin condition, consult a doctor or specialist before use. If there is any skin sensitivity, stop using roller and consult a specialist. Store roller in the supplied storage case for maximum hygiene and safety after use. Keep out of reach of children. Learn more on the blog: We Tried Microneedling for 6 Weeks, Here’s What Happened

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    商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258详情, 第1张图片描述
    商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258详情, 第3张图片描述
    商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258详情, 第4张图片描述
    商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258详情, 第5张图片描述
    商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258详情, 第6张图片描述
    商品Beauty ORA|Beauty ORA Deluxe Microneedle Dermal Roller System 0.25mm - Silver/Black,价格¥258详情, 第8张图片描述





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