Vitabiotics | Vitabiotics 维百莱 葡萄糖胺钙镁锌片 60片
温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 Vitabiotics 维百莱 Osteocare氨基葡萄糖片以前被称为维白莱 Osteocare复合片。 这是一款有助于骨骼和关节健康的先进的二合一配方营养片。提供原始综合的骨骼健康配方,融合了葡萄糖胺、软骨素和生姜提取物,实现多效合一的升级配方,优化关节,促进骨骼健康。 葡萄糖片含有独特配方,结合了最知名的成分以促进骨骼和关节健。由于服用骨骼健康片的人们也开始关注关节健康,葡萄糖片采用升级配方以获取最大的补充效益,所以不需要单独的补充关节健康营养素。先进的配方采用二合一营养片为关节和骨骼的协同健康提供了巨大的价值。 骨骼健康: 是英国的头号补钙专家,最初的药片配方已由领先的医生和药剂师进行开发和升级。均衡配方提供了丰富的钙与多重营养素,可帮助维持强壮的骨骼和牙齿,以及心脏、肌肉和神经的健康。该配方包括专家建议的每日均衡的钙和镁的摄入量,对骨骼发育起着重要的作用。葡萄糖片更含有维生素D3和锌。 维生素D(维生素D的首选形式): 维生素D有助于维持正常的骨骼生长,可帮助骨骼吸收钙离子而发育。它还负责骨矿化,保持骨骼和血液中钙水平的激素健康。并含有首选维生素D形式下的维生素D3。 关节健康: 氨基葡萄糖是人体胶原产生的自然需要,有助于强健关节(软骨)和清洗和润滑关节的滑液。硫酸软骨素有助于维持软骨的弹性并协同氨基葡萄糖帮助维持关节健康的蛋白质。在协同工作下,还能促进关节健康和关节润滑软骨素及葡萄糖胺的健康。该配方还含有生姜提取物,这是众所周知的可促进关节健康的饮食成分。 用法: 取两到三片葡萄糖片,搭配每一天的主餐使用。 葡萄糖片不含麸质、乳糖、防腐剂、盐和酵母。 成分: 硫酸氨基葡萄糖氯化钾、硫酸软骨素、生姜提取物、钙、镁、锌、维生素D、锰、硒、铜。 Formerly called Vitabiotics Osteocare Joint 60 Tablets. Vitabiotics Osteocare Glucosamine - an advanced 2-in-1 formula for healthy bones and joints. Vitabiotics Osteocare Glucosamine provides the original comprehensive Osteocare bone health formula, with the additional benefit of glucosamine, chondroitin and ginger extract in a convenient all in one formula to optimise joint and bone health. Vitabiotics Osteocare Glucosamine provides a unique formula which combines the best known ingredients for healthy bones and joints. Because many people who take a bone health formula are also interested in their joints, Vitabiotics Osteocare Glucosamine has been designed for maximum convenience so there is no need for separate supplements. The advanced formula provides great value by combining joint and bone support in one. Bone health The number one calcium supplement in the UK, the original Osteocare tablet formula has been developed by leading doctors and pharmacists. The well-balanced formula provides a rich source of calcium with co-factors to help maintain strong bones and teeth, as well as the health of the heart, muscles, and nerves. The formula includes the full-recommended daily allowances of calcium and magnesium, which play a vital role in bone development, along with vitamin D3 and zinc. With vitamin D (the preferred form of vitamin D) Vitamin D contributes to normal bone growth and development by helping the bones absorb calcium. It is also responsible for bone mineralisation and producing the hormones which maintain healthy levels of calcium in the bones and bloodstream. Osteocare contains the preferred D3 form of Vitamin D. Joint Health Glucosamine is naturally required by the body for the production of collagen to cushion the joints (cartilage) and synovial fluid which bathes and lubricates them. Chondroitin helps form the proteins that maintain cartilage elasticity and works synergistically with glucosamine to help maintain joint health. The Chondroitin and glucosamine in Osteocare Joint work synergistically to support cartilage health and joint lubrication. The formula also contains ginger extract, a well known culinary ingredient for joint health. Directions: Take two to three Vitabiotics Osteocare Glucosamine tablets per day with a main meal. Osteocare Tablets are free from gluten, lactose, preservatives, salt and yeast. Ingredients: Glucosamine Sulphate KCl, Chondroitin Sulphate, Ginger Extract, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D, Manganese, Selenium, Copper.
Vitabiotics是位于英国伦敦的一家保健品生产厂商 , 由Kartar Lalvani于1971年创立 。Vitabiotics公司是英国史上第一家获得英国女王创新奖的营养保健品公司,分别为2013年及2018获得女王创新奖。Vitabiotics的维生素产品出口到全球100余国家。
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    Vitabiotics | Vitabiotics 维百莱 葡萄糖胺钙镁锌片 60片

    Vitabiotics | Vitabiotics 维百莱 葡萄糖胺钙镁锌片 60片

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