

商品Vitabiotics|Vitabiotics 维百莱 更年期提高睡眠质量营养片 30片,价格¥120,第1张图片详细描述
温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 Vitabiotics 维百莱 更年期提高睡眠质量营养片是专门为妇女在更年期和绝经后设计的食物补充,在晚上睡觉前服用。在更年期获取最佳营养是很重要的,你无论你是否决定接受激素替代(HRT)。 营养片提供了一种独特的微营养配方,结合了已经证明的原始的Menopace微量营养素营养片的所有好处,含有洋甘菊提取物、啤酒花提取物和5-羟色氨酸的额外支持。配方是用于替换原版Menopace?+钙营养片,而不作为一种补充。 新版的营养片可提供原版的所有营养物,还提供额外支持: 洋甘菊: 甘菊植物花可用于进入更年期后使用,有助于支持正常的睡眠,提供最佳放松状态。 啤酒花提取物: 啤酒花提取物有助于保持平静和舒适的更年期。 正常的骨骼健康: 骨骼健康对于更年期的女性尤为重要。营养片包含维生素D、镁和锌,有助于维持正常的骨骼。营养片不含钙,可搭配使用钙片补充剂,如:维百莱原版。 营养物质有助于维持心脏的正常功能: 普遍认为较低的雌激素水平可能会影响老年妇女的心脏和心血管健康。营养片包括硫胺素(维生素B1的最佳水平),有利于心脏的正常功能。而叶酸、维生素B6和B12有助于正常同型半胱氨酸代谢,保持血液氨基酸同型半胱氨酸为健康的低水平,且与心脏健康有独立的联系。 柔软的皮肤: 雌激素对胶原蛋白的生产有积极的作用,是形成一部分骨基质的关键物质,是众所周知的可以帮助保持皮肤柔软和绷紧的物质。绝经后,胶原蛋白的产生会随着雌激素水平的下降而明显下降。 营养片包含维生素C,有助于正常的胶原蛋白的形成,对皮肤、软骨、骨骼和血管的正常功能有促进作用。营养片包含了维生素D3、洋甘菊、啤酒花提取物,可用于更年期,是专门设计来在晚上睡觉前服用的配方。 不含人工色素、防腐剂、面筋、明胶、盐、酵母、毒品或HRT。未经过动物实验。适用于素食主义者。 用法: 晚餐后使用,一天1片。用水或冷饮吞服。无需咀嚼。不能空腹使用。 绝经后可长期服用营养片,但不要超过推荐剂量。 Vitabiotics Menopace Night is a specially formulated food supplement for women during and after the menopause designed to be taken at night time before going to sleep. Optimal nutrition is important during the menopause, whether or not you decide to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Vitabiotics Menopace Night provides a unique micronutrient formula combining all the benefits of the proven original Menopace® micronutrient tablet with the additional support of Chamomile extract, Hops extract and 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan). This formula is intended to be used in place of Menopace® Original, Plus or Calcium, not as an addition. The menopause is a natural stage of life that every woman goes through. Thousands of women worldwide have discovered that Menopace®, the UK's No.1 selling supplement for this stage of life, provides effective nutritional support. Menopace® Night provides all the nutrients in Menopace® original PLUS additional support: Chamomile Extract: The flowers of the chamomile plant (Matricaria recutita) can be used during and after menopause and contributes to optimal relaxation to help support normal sleep. Hops Extract: Hops extract is included to help maintain a calm and comfortable menopause. Normal Bone health: Bone health is particularly important for women during the menopause and Vitabiotics Menopace Night contains vitamin D, magnesium and zinc which contribute to the maintenance of normal bones. Vitabiotics Menopace Night does not contain calcium and is designed to be taken in conjunction with a calcium supplement such as Vitabiotics Osteocare Original. Nutrients to help normal functioning of the heart: It is thought that lower oestrogen levels may influence heart and cardiovascular health in older women. Vitabiotics Menopace Night includes optimal levels of thiamin (vit.B1) which contributes to the normal function of the heart whilst folate, vitamins B12 and B6 contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism. Maintaining healthy lower levels of the blood amino acid homocysteine is independently linked with heart health. Supple skin: Oestrogen has a positive effect on the production of collagen, a key substance that forms part of the bone matrix and is known to help keep skin supple and taut. After the menopause, oestrogen levels and hence collagen production can significantly decline. Vitabiotics Menopace Night includes vitamin C which contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin, cartilage, bones and blood vessels. Vitabiotics Menopace Night with vitamin D3, Chamomile and Hops extracts is the most comprehensive formula available for the menopause designed to be taken at night time before going to sleep. No artificial colours. No preservatives. Gluten free. No gelatin, salt or yeast. No drugs or HRT. Not tested on animals. Suitable for vegetarians.
商品Vitabiotics|Vitabiotics 维百莱 更年期提高睡眠质量营养片 30片,价格¥120,第5张图片详细描述
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    Vitabiotics 维百莱 更年期提高睡眠质量营养片 30片

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    商品Vitabiotics|Vitabiotics 维百莱 更年期提高睡眠质量营养片 30片,价格¥120详情, 第1张图片描述
    温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 Vitabiotics 维百莱 更年期提高睡眠质量营养片是专门为妇女在更年期和绝经后设计的食物补充,在晚上睡觉前服用。在更年期获取最佳营养是很重要的,你无论你是否决定接受激素替代(HRT)。 营养片提供了一种独特的微营养配方,结合了已经证明的原始的Menopace微量营养素营养片的所有好处,含有洋甘菊提取物、啤酒花提取物和5-羟色氨酸的额外支持。配方是用于替换原版Menopace?+钙营养片,而不作为一种补充。 新版的营养片可提供原版的所有营养物,还提供额外支持: 洋甘菊: 甘菊植物花可用于进入更年期后使用,有助于支持正常的睡眠,提供最佳放松状态。 啤酒花提取物: 啤酒花提取物有助于保持平静和舒适的更年期。 正常的骨骼健康: 骨骼健康对于更年期的女性尤为重要。营养片包含维生素D、镁和锌,有助于维持正常的骨骼。营养片不含钙,可搭配使用钙片补充剂,如:维百莱原版。 营养物质有助于维持心脏的正常功能: 普遍认为较低的雌激素水平可能会影响老年妇女的心脏和心血管健康。营养片包括硫胺素(维生素B1的最佳水平),有利于心脏的正常功能。而叶酸、维生素B6和B12有助于正常同型半胱氨酸代谢,保持血液氨基酸同型半胱氨酸为健康的低水平,且与心脏健康有独立的联系。 柔软的皮肤: 雌激素对胶原蛋白的生产有积极的作用,是形成一部分骨基质的关键物质,是众所周知的可以帮助保持皮肤柔软和绷紧的物质。绝经后,胶原蛋白的产生会随着雌激素水平的下降而明显下降。 营养片包含维生素C,有助于正常的胶原蛋白的形成,对皮肤、软骨、骨骼和血管的正常功能有促进作用。营养片包含了维生素D3、洋甘菊、啤酒花提取物,可用于更年期,是专门设计来在晚上睡觉前服用的配方。 不含人工色素、防腐剂、面筋、明胶、盐、酵母、毒品或HRT。未经过动物实验。适用于素食主义者。 用法: 晚餐后使用,一天1片。用水或冷饮吞服。无需咀嚼。不能空腹使用。 绝经后可长期服用营养片,但不要超过推荐剂量。 Vitabiotics Menopace Night is a specially formulated food supplement for women during and after the menopause designed to be taken at night time before going to sleep. Optimal nutrition is important during the menopause, whether or not you decide to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Vitabiotics Menopace Night provides a unique micronutrient formula combining all the benefits of the proven original Menopace® micronutrient tablet with the additional support of Chamomile extract, Hops extract and 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan). This formula is intended to be used in place of Menopace® Original, Plus or Calcium, not as an addition. The menopause is a natural stage of life that every woman goes through. Thousands of women worldwide have discovered that Menopace®, the UK's No.1 selling supplement for this stage of life, provides effective nutritional support. Menopace® Night provides all the nutrients in Menopace® original PLUS additional support: Chamomile Extract: The flowers of the chamomile plant (Matricaria recutita) can be used during and after menopause and contributes to optimal relaxation to help support normal sleep. Hops Extract: Hops extract is included to help maintain a calm and comfortable menopause. Normal Bone health: Bone health is particularly important for women during the menopause and Vitabiotics Menopace Night contains vitamin D, magnesium and zinc which contribute to the maintenance of normal bones. Vitabiotics Menopace Night does not contain calcium and is designed to be taken in conjunction with a calcium supplement such as Vitabiotics Osteocare Original. Nutrients to help normal functioning of the heart: It is thought that lower oestrogen levels may influence heart and cardiovascular health in older women. Vitabiotics Menopace Night includes optimal levels of thiamin (vit.B1) which contributes to the normal function of the heart whilst folate, vitamins B12 and B6 contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism. Maintaining healthy lower levels of the blood amino acid homocysteine is independently linked with heart health. Supple skin: Oestrogen has a positive effect on the production of collagen, a key substance that forms part of the bone matrix and is known to help keep skin supple and taut. After the menopause, oestrogen levels and hence collagen production can significantly decline. Vitabiotics Menopace Night includes vitamin C which contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin, cartilage, bones and blood vessels. Vitabiotics Menopace Night with vitamin D3, Chamomile and Hops extracts is the most comprehensive formula available for the menopause designed to be taken at night time before going to sleep. No artificial colours. No preservatives. Gluten free. No gelatin, salt or yeast. No drugs or HRT. Not tested on animals. Suitable for vegetarians.
    商品Vitabiotics|Vitabiotics 维百莱 更年期提高睡眠质量营养片 30片,价格¥120详情, 第5张图片描述





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