The Ordinary面部精华|Lactic Acid 5% + HA 30ml
商场清仓无法退换,30 ml
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Lactic Acid is an alpha hydroxyl acid that exfoliates the skin. The Ordinary’s 5% formulation offers very mild exfoliation and is supported with a purified Tasmanian pepperberry known to reduce signs of inflammation and sensitivity that is often associated with exfoliation. Lactic Acid should not be used on sensitive, peeling or compromised skin. This pH of this formula is approximately 3.8. Lactic Acid has a pKa of 3.8 and pKa is the most important aspect to consider in formulating with acids. pKa implies acid availability. When pKa is close to pH, there is an ideal balance between salt and acidity, maximising effectiveness of the acid and reducing irritation. Higher pH numbers in such a case would increase salt which counter-intuitively would make the formula even more irritating than if the formula was more acidic.
£20 per 100.00ml
The Ordinary
The Ordinary
10%烟酰胺+1%锌精华液 30ml
咖啡因5%+EGCG眼部精华液 30ml
维他命B5+2%透明质酸精华液 30ml
咖啡因5%+EGCG眼部精华液 30ml
2%熊果苷+ 玻尿酸美白祛斑保湿精华 30ml
Buffet十全大补胜肽精华液 30ml
高浓度果酸焕肤面膜精华液 AHA 30% + BHA 2% 30ml
10% 六胜肽抗皱精华 30ml
10%壬二酸(杜鹃花酸) - 去闭口 30ml
维他命B5精华液+2%透明质酸 30ml
遮瑕保湿妆前乳 30ml
10%六胜肽抗皱精华 30ml

    The Ordinary | The Ordinary面部精华|Lactic Acid 5% + HA 30ml

    The Ordinary | Lactic Acid 5% + HA 30ml

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    • 英国商家
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  • 说明
  • 描述
    Lactic Acid is an alpha hydroxyl acid that exfoliates the skin. The Ordinary’s 5% formulation offers very mild exfoliation and is supported with a purified Tasmanian pepperberry known to reduce signs of inflammation and sensitivity that is often associated with exfoliation. Lactic Acid should not be used on sensitive, peeling or compromised skin. This pH of this formula is approximately 3.8. Lactic Acid has a pKa of 3.8 and pKa is the most important aspect to consider in formulating with acids. pKa implies acid availability. When pKa is close to pH, there is an ideal balance between salt and acidity, maximising effectiveness of the acid and reducing irritation. Higher pH numbers in such a case would increase salt which counter-intuitively would make the formula even more irritating than if the formula was more acidic.
    £20 per 100.00ml
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