NIOD面部精华|Elasticity Catalyst Neck Serum 50ml
商场清仓无法退换,50 ml
NIOD Elasticity Catalyst Neck Serum
is a non invasive anti-aging formula that utilizes a host of intelligent technologies to help increase and protect visible skin elasticity.
Contributing to the increase and strengthening of elastin on slackened skin, the serum targets neck lines and sagging to help improve elasticity and density, both on and below the skin's surface.
Key Technologies:
Pro-Elastin and Pro-Elastic-Fiber Technologies:
These technologies help increase and strengthen elastin. They support cellular cohesion, strengthen elastic fiber and restore elastin protein synthesis for a visible increase in skin viscoelastic properties.
Anti-Elastase and Anti-Progerin Technologies:
Elastase is an enzyme that breaks down elastin; these technologies inhibit the performance of elastase to help counteract sagginess that occurs when elastin breaks down.
Dermal and Subcutaneous Density Technologies:
These technologies work to increase visible skin density on and below the surface. Caffeine, Carnitine and Bitter Ginger create a 'push-pull' effect to keep skin 'active'. This counter-intuitive approach enhances visible tone by increasing and decreasing fluid motion simultaneously; this 'push-pull' action improves skin density and surface evenness because the fluids are distributed more evenly.
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    NIOD | NIOD面部精华|Elasticity Catalyst Neck Serum 50ml

    NIOD | NIOD Elasticity Catalyst Neck Serum 50ml

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    • 美国商家
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  • 说明
  • 描述
    NIOD Elasticity Catalyst Neck Serum
    is a non invasive anti-aging formula that utilizes a host of intelligent technologies to help increase and protect visible skin elasticity.
    Contributing to the increase and strengthening of elastin on slackened skin, the serum targets neck lines and sagging to help improve elasticity and density, both on and below the skin's surface.
    Key Technologies:
    Pro-Elastin and Pro-Elastic-Fiber Technologies:
    These technologies help increase and strengthen elastin. They support cellular cohesion, strengthen elastic fiber and restore elastin protein synthesis for a visible increase in skin viscoelastic properties.
    Anti-Elastase and Anti-Progerin Technologies:
    Elastase is an enzyme that breaks down elastin; these technologies inhibit the performance of elastase to help counteract sagginess that occurs when elastin breaks down.
    Dermal and Subcutaneous Density Technologies:
    These technologies work to increase visible skin density on and below the surface. Caffeine, Carnitine and Bitter Ginger create a 'push-pull' effect to keep skin 'active'. This counter-intuitive approach enhances visible tone by increasing and decreasing fluid motion simultaneously; this 'push-pull' action improves skin density and surface evenness because the fluids are distributed more evenly.
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