The Ordinary|高遮瑕粉底液|Coverage Foundation 30ml (Various Shades)
商场清仓无法退换,30 ml
Perfect the complexion with
The Ordinary Coverage Foundation by The Ordinary Colours
; a full-coverage foundation that arrives in a comprehensive shade range.
Enriched with a higher level of pigment to the serum foundation, the coverage formula boasts a rich, saturated effect, yet remains lightweight. Utilising treated pigments suspended in The Ordinary’s proprietary spreadability system, the foundation guarantees a natural looking, long-lasting finish that resists collecting in fine lines and appearing cakey. The foundation offers a coveted, full-coverage effect with semi-matte results, leaving the complexion flawless all day.
The makeup is available in 21 different shades, which are divided up into 3 categories. 1 is designed for fair to lighter skin tones, 2 for medium tones and 3 for dark. Each category is classified further by a second digit ranging from 1 to 3, to indicate its depth within a category. Finally, the letter at the end of the shade indicates its undertone; P for pink, R for red, N for neutral and Y for yellow.
A small number of shades boast an additional letter, S for silver highlights and G for gold. These foundations are infused with fine dispersions of metallic effect pigments, which add a luminous radiance to the complexion.
Vegan friendly. Cruelty-free.
Free from alcohol, oil, nuts, gluten and soy.
The Ordinary
The Ordinary
10%烟酰胺+1%锌精华液 30ml
咖啡因5%+EGCG眼部精华液 30ml
维他命B5+2%透明质酸精华液 30ml
咖啡因5%+EGCG眼部精华液 30ml
2%熊果苷+ 玻尿酸美白祛斑保湿精华 30ml
Buffet十全大补胜肽精华液 30ml
高浓度果酸焕肤面膜精华液 AHA 30% + BHA 2% 30ml
10% 六胜肽抗皱精华 30ml
10%壬二酸(杜鹃花酸) - 去闭口 30ml
维他命B5精华液+2%透明质酸 30ml
遮瑕保湿妆前乳 30ml
10%六胜肽抗皱精华 30ml

    The Ordinary | The Ordinary|高遮瑕粉底液|Coverage Foundation 30ml (Various Shades)

    The Ordinary | The Ordinary Coverage Foundation 30ml (Various Shades)

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  • 说明
  • 描述
    Perfect the complexion with
    The Ordinary Coverage Foundation by The Ordinary Colours
    ; a full-coverage foundation that arrives in a comprehensive shade range.
    Enriched with a higher level of pigment to the serum foundation, the coverage formula boasts a rich, saturated effect, yet remains lightweight. Utilising treated pigments suspended in The Ordinary’s proprietary spreadability system, the foundation guarantees a natural looking, long-lasting finish that resists collecting in fine lines and appearing cakey. The foundation offers a coveted, full-coverage effect with semi-matte results, leaving the complexion flawless all day.
    The makeup is available in 21 different shades, which are divided up into 3 categories. 1 is designed for fair to lighter skin tones, 2 for medium tones and 3 for dark. Each category is classified further by a second digit ranging from 1 to 3, to indicate its depth within a category. Finally, the letter at the end of the shade indicates its undertone; P for pink, R for red, N for neutral and Y for yellow.
    A small number of shades boast an additional letter, S for silver highlights and G for gold. These foundations are infused with fine dispersions of metallic effect pigments, which add a luminous radiance to the complexion.
    Vegan friendly. Cruelty-free.
    Free from alcohol, oil, nuts, gluten and soy.
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