

VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml

商场清仓无法退换,120 ml
商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381,第1张图片详细描述商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381,第2张图片详细描述商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381,第3张图片详细描述商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381,第4张图片详细描述商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381,第5张图片详细描述
商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381,第7张图片详细描述

The VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster is a botanical-based nutrient infusion for the scalp. Ideal for those with weakened, thinning hair, the treatment is formulated to stimulate fatigued follicles and nourish the scalp.The density booster combines patented alpha and gamma keratins with a Biomimetic Signal Peptide. Together, they help to boost hair strength and elasticity, while nourishing the scalp for a healthier appearance.100% drug-free. Colour-safe, paraben-free and gluten-free. Vegan.Flourish Microbiome Study ResultsFlourish maintains microbiome diversity to facilitate an environment for healthy hair growthFlourish optimizes scalp pH facilitating an environment for healthy hair growthAlpha Keratin 60ku CLINICAL promotes an increase in pH resulting in a healthy environment for hair growth*After 4 weeks of regimen use in double-blind, independent, third-party clinical study.Density Booster Regimen (PhototrichogramResults)For use only with accompanying clinical B&A imagery atT0 (Before), T120 (4 Months) & T180 (6 Months)After 4 months 80% of women saw a 16% jump in new hair growthAt 6 months, 91% of women experienced an improvement in their anagen/telogen** ratio OR hair growth outpaced shedding by 54%**anagen (active growth) / telogen (fall out/shedding) ratio*Results after regimen use in a double-blind, independent, third-party 6 month clinical study.At 3 Months 97% (34 out of 35) women stated they saw new hair growthAt 6 months 97% (34 out of 35) women continued to see new hair growth*Results after regimen use in a double blind, independent, third-party 6 month clinical study.Density Booster Regimen (SELF ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE)After 4 months:85% said hair is less damaged91% saw less shedding / fall out94% feel better about their hairAfter 6 months:94% said hair has more volume91% said hair has more body94% said hair looks fuller91% said hair feels stronger82% had thicker hair94% had healthier hair88% said hair is easier to style100% said their existing hair was growing faster80% said scalp is less irritated97% said scalp is healthier97% said scalp is less visible97% are more confident about their appearance94% feel more beautiful94% said this regimen is more effective than other solutions they've tried in the past100% are likely to purchase these products*Results after regimen use in a double blind, independent, third-party 6 month clinical study.



VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml 商品
VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml 商品
VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml 商品
VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml 商品
VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml 商品
VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml 商品

    VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml

    VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml

  • 价格¥381$52
  • 促销
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    • 美国商家
    • 海外运输
    • 海关清关
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  • 说明
    • 此商品由 SkinStore 发货并提供售后服务
    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
    • 根据中国海关总署要求,您所购买的商品清关入境需要提供身份证信息进行入境申报,请您配合。我们不会向第三方泄露您的资料,请您放心
  • 描述

    The VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster is a botanical-based nutrient infusion for the scalp. Ideal for those with weakened, thinning hair, the treatment is formulated to stimulate fatigued follicles and nourish the scalp.The density booster combines patented alpha and gamma keratins with a Biomimetic Signal Peptide. Together, they help to boost hair strength and elasticity, while nourishing the scalp for a healthier appearance.100% drug-free. Colour-safe, paraben-free and gluten-free. Vegan.Flourish Microbiome Study ResultsFlourish maintains microbiome diversity to facilitate an environment for healthy hair growthFlourish optimizes scalp pH facilitating an environment for healthy hair growthAlpha Keratin 60ku CLINICAL promotes an increase in pH resulting in a healthy environment for hair growth*After 4 weeks of regimen use in double-blind, independent, third-party clinical study.Density Booster Regimen (PhototrichogramResults)For use only with accompanying clinical B&A imagery atT0 (Before), T120 (4 Months) & T180 (6 Months)After 4 months 80% of women saw a 16% jump in new hair growthAt 6 months, 91% of women experienced an improvement in their anagen/telogen** ratio OR hair growth outpaced shedding by 54%**anagen (active growth) / telogen (fall out/shedding) ratio*Results after regimen use in a double-blind, independent, third-party 6 month clinical study.At 3 Months 97% (34 out of 35) women stated they saw new hair growthAt 6 months 97% (34 out of 35) women continued to see new hair growth*Results after regimen use in a double blind, independent, third-party 6 month clinical study.Density Booster Regimen (SELF ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE)After 4 months:85% said hair is less damaged91% saw less shedding / fall out94% feel better about their hairAfter 6 months:94% said hair has more volume91% said hair has more body94% said hair looks fuller91% said hair feels stronger82% had thicker hair94% had healthier hair88% said hair is easier to style100% said their existing hair was growing faster80% said scalp is less irritated97% said scalp is healthier97% said scalp is less visible97% are more confident about their appearance94% feel more beautiful94% said this regimen is more effective than other solutions they've tried in the past100% are likely to purchase these products*Results after regimen use in a double blind, independent, third-party 6 month clinical study.

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    商场清仓无法退换120 ml
    商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381 描述
    商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381 描述
    商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381 描述
    商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381 描述
    商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381 描述
    商品VIRTUE|VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml,价格¥381 描述





    VIRTUE品牌, VIRTUE是一個致力於研發高品質護髮護膚產品的品牌。20年前,品牌創始人是一位美髮專家,她發現市面上大多數護髮產品含有對頭髮和身體有害的化學成分。於是,她決定研發一系列天然有機的護髮產品,VIRTUE品牌就此誕生。
    VIRTUE是一個致力於研發高品質護髮護膚產品的品牌。20年前,品牌創始人是一位美髮專家,她發現市面上大多數護髮產品含有對頭髮和身體有害的化學成分。於是,她決定研發一系列天然有機的護髮產品,VIRTUE品牌就此誕生。 VIRTUE品牌的產品以高品質天然有機成分為主,不含矽油、石油、防腐劑等有害物質。主打產品有護髮系列,如滋潤洗髮水、修復護髮素,以及抗脫髮產品。面部護膚系列也深受消費者喜愛,如面霜、精華等。VIRTUE還有配件和禮品套裝產品。 VIRTUE品牌的視覺風格簡潔大方,以天然綠色為主色調,體現品牌的環保理念。VIRTUE還與多位知名模特和藝人進行合作,如超模吉賽爾·邦辰和女演員楊紫瓊。這些合作大大提高了品牌的知名度和美譽度。 VIRTUE品牌的獨特賣點在於產品的高品質和安全性。天然有機的配方和嚴格的質量控制,使VIRTUE的產品深受消費者信賴。VIRTUE致力於為消費者帶來健康自然的美,這也是品牌諾言與消費者的承諾。VIRTUE品牌的創立填補了天然有機護髮護膚產品的市場空白,為有此需求的消費群體提供了高品質的選擇。 免责声明:以上内容是由别样AI人工智能模型生成,我们对其生成内容的准确性、完整性和功能性不做任何保证,并且生成的内容均不代表别样平台的态度、观点或立场,仅为提供更多信息,也不构成任何建议或承诺。