Erno Laszlo | Erno Laszlo 奥伦纳素 水滢清爽面膜1组 - Tester装
“现调现配,一抹柔焦” “细腻柔嫩,皮肤就像PS过” “PS面膜” 软泥式的面膜好处在于可以与肌肤密合,提高吸收力,让营养成分可透过毛细孔有效进入肌肤里,并且面膜本身沁凉的质感可让肌肤在舒缓的状态得到放松。 核心成分 尿囊素,一种植物提取物,可舒缓敏感,并可帮助修护过程。 泛醇(维生素B5),是一种抗氧化剂。加强皮肤的水分屏障,并改善它的外界压力。 在皮肤上,它具有平滑,柔软的作用; 当被吸收时,它可帮助皮肤修护。 总之,它使肌肤柔软,丝滑,更呈年轻态。 碳酸镁,一种结晶盐(在本质上它被称为磁铁矿或白云石),有助于调节皮肤的酸碱度平衡 使用方法 1:1现调现配用法 1)先将整瓶精华液倒入干净的容器内,然后倒入整袋面膜粉。 2)用面膜棒快速搅拌10-15秒钟,形成粉色软泥状。 3)迅速涂抹上脸,由脸部上到下(额-鼻-双颊-下巴)将面膜厚厚匀涂于脸部(避开眼睛、嘴唇、眉毛以及发际线)。 4)让面膜停留15~20分钟,放松等待。 5)从额头顶端开始,用面膜棒轻轻将面膜边际卷起,一部分一部分揭下软膜,再用清水洗净。 Ready for a recharge. This soothing, plumping peel-off mask delivers a burst of replenishing moisture whenever thirsty skin needs it most. After sun, travel, pollution or other stressors deplete your skin, natural hydrators cool it down and deliver vital nutrients, refreshing and filling fine lines, so skin looks younger and re-energized. Our dual-phase formula blends together our most healing and hydrating ingredients, including: Provitamin B5, a penetrating moisturizer, to deliver antioxidant support and bolster the healing processes as well as skin’s vital moisture barrier. Comfrey root, a natural source of relief to sensitive or irritated skin, to sooth as it encourages skin repair and renewal. Zinc extract to defy sun damage, and other pollutants, while calming skin with its naturally antiseptic powers. Contains one application.
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    Erno Laszlo | Erno Laszlo 奥伦纳素 水滢清爽面膜1组 - Tester装

    Erno Laszlo | Erno Laszlo 奥伦纳素 水滢清爽面膜1组 - Tester装

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    “现调现配,一抹柔焦” “细腻柔嫩,皮肤就像PS过” “PS面膜” 软泥式的面膜好处在于可以与肌肤密合,提高吸收力,让营养成分可透过毛细孔有效进入肌肤里,并且面膜本身沁凉的质感可让肌肤在舒缓的状态得到放松。 核心成分 尿囊素,一种植物提取物,可舒缓敏感,并可帮助修护过程。 泛醇(维生素B5),是一种抗氧化剂。加强皮肤的水分屏障,并改善它的外界压力。 在皮肤上,它具有平滑,柔软的作用; 当被吸收时,它可帮助皮肤修护。 总之,它使肌肤柔软,丝滑,更呈年轻态。 碳酸镁,一种结晶盐(在本质上它被称为磁铁矿或白云石),有助于调节皮肤的酸碱度平衡 使用方法 1:1现调现配用法 1)先将整瓶精华液倒入干净的容器内,然后倒入整袋面膜粉。 2)用面膜棒快速搅拌10-15秒钟,形成粉色软泥状。 3)迅速涂抹上脸,由脸部上到下(额-鼻-双颊-下巴)将面膜厚厚匀涂于脸部(避开眼睛、嘴唇、眉毛以及发际线)。 4)让面膜停留15~20分钟,放松等待。 5)从额头顶端开始,用面膜棒轻轻将面膜边际卷起,一部分一部分揭下软膜,再用清水洗净。 Ready for a recharge. This soothing, plumping peel-off mask delivers a burst of replenishing moisture whenever thirsty skin needs it most. After sun, travel, pollution or other stressors deplete your skin, natural hydrators cool it down and deliver vital nutrients, refreshing and filling fine lines, so skin looks younger and re-energized. Our dual-phase formula blends together our most healing and hydrating ingredients, including: Provitamin B5, a penetrating moisturizer, to deliver antioxidant support and bolster the healing processes as well as skin’s vital moisture barrier. Comfrey root, a natural source of relief to sensitive or irritated skin, to sooth as it encourages skin repair and renewal. Zinc extract to defy sun damage, and other pollutants, while calming skin with its naturally antiseptic powers. Contains one application.
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